Are you a parent in need of support?

Home-Start Havering may be able to help you by offering you a volunteer if you:

- live in the Havering area
- have one or more children under the age of 5
- are going through a difficult time in your life
There are many reasons why you may need us. Perhaps you are:
- feeling isolated, maybe with no family nearby and struggling to make friends
- suffering with post-natal depression and maybe finding it hard to talk to anyone about it
- having a hard time coping with your child’s illness or disability
- being affected by the death of a family member
- struggling with the emotional and practical demands of twins, triplets or children under 5
- finding it hard to cope with relationship difficulties
- feeling exhausted or depressed
- coping with your own illness or disability
If we think you qualify for our service, a carefully selected and trained volunteer, who has parenting experience, can visit you regularly for 2-3 hours a week in your own home. Our volunteers are there to offer emotional and practical support which is based on what we together agree would be helpful. Our support is flexible and responsive to your needs and can include:
- being a listening ear or someone to talk to
- adult company
- helping and playing with your children
- reassurance
- help to find out about and access other local amenities and services
- encouragement and motivation
- practical help
If you are a parent looking for support,
please contact Home-Start Havering on 01708 455551 or contact us.

Are you a professional wanting to refer a family?
If you are a professional working with families and you feel someone would benefit from our service, you can make a referral on their behalf, with their consent on our referral form. To get a copy of our referral form please contact us
We do not operate a waiting list: family support is governed by the availability and suitability of volunteers. We will always give you guidance as to the current situation regarding volunteer availability.

Next: Volunteering